t, thus enhancing his performance.\r7, Denotation: the sea\rConnotation: a vast expanse. It gives you a sense of being great in space.\r8. Denotation: beating\rConnotation: violently rocking me from side to side and making me\runcomfortable. It gives one a sense of uneasiness and uncomfortableness.\rXVI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions\r1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D\rPart XVII p. 301\r1. mechanic\r2. strap\r3. resist\r4. wakened\r5. fancy\r6. steep.\r7. concentration\r8. dial\rPart VIII p. 301\r1. hang on\r2. popped out\r3. in an emergency\r4. in seconds\r5. had trouble making6. loaded with\r7. went unnoticed8. it helps