eir negative feelings an outlet.\r2 . ¾X%¿ÀÁ;aTÂÃ(ÄÅ%\Æ;ÇÈÉÊ\ÆË \rThe teacher gives more homework to the students who has bad grades, instead of allowing\rhim to cut that down.\r3 . ÌÍÎÏ]ÐÅ ÑÒÓaÔTPÕ;ÎÖS×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞ"4 ß 1 IIàJá\râã¿ \rAlthough I' ve delegated many tasks to other people, F m still afraid that I won,\rt be able to finish the plan before the April 1 deadline.\r4 . æ¦%çèé;êëìíî%Pìïðñò ókTôõõEïö÷ø .\rFrom a doctor' s viewpoint, the hotter-tempered people get, the more likely they are\rto lose control. Consequently, they tend to suffer from heart diseases.\r5 . úûü¬ýþ%·¸ÿ 0@P`p?\r`??\rA teacher * s priorities include exciting students, interests and stimulating their\rcreativity.