rAustralia, with less than a tenth of\rAmerica's population, last year earned\r$ 2 billion on foreign education.\rNot all the new drugs have been\rsufficiently tested for safety..\rP?ÆÇ0È{|É??ÊËÌÍ\rP?ÆÇ0È{|Î¥?ÊËÌÍ\rÏP?ÆÇ0{|0É??ÊËÌÍ\rÏP?ÆÇ0{|0Î¥?ÊËÌÍ\rI am sure that this wool carpet may find\ra good market in your area.\rF Ð Ñ Ò k G x Ó . / R ? Ô\rÕ f Ö × Ø \rF Ð Ñ k G f Ù .\r R ? Ô Õ\rf Ö × Ø % w ? \rF Ú Á P Å Ô Õ f Ö k G x Ó \r\ % Û Ü Ý ? \rF # Á P Å Ô Õ f Ö k G f Ù Ý\rÞ Û R \rWe were most impressed by the fact\rthat even those patients who are not\rtold of their serious illness were quite\raware of its potential outcome.