dependently of each other, but recently\rthey have converged to give the field a much more integrated look.多年以来, 这\r些传统彼此都是独立运作的,但是最近他们汇集在一起使得这一领域呈现出\r更加完整的面貌。\r8. A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers\rand the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.既然雇主\r和工会领导之间不能以直接对话的方式达成共识,便指派了一位地方知名法\r官在双方之间进行调解。\r9. Experiments with a model confirm that the meaning of many famous paintings\rcan be negated by inverting the picture.范例实验表明很多著名绘画可以通过颠\r倒画面的方式否定其所表达的含意。\r1 0. The Olympic Games is a world-wide sports meet, its success involves the joined\refforts and cooperation of the people from all walks of life in the host country.M\r运会是世界性的体育盛会,它的成功举办需要奥运会举办国各界人士的通力\r协作。\r李永康预祝大家好好背诵,争取翻译满分,仅供参考 ,可能有错误的地方,\r大家改改。。。