all civilized.\rÜÝ@Þßàá Ýâãä<?åæ.\r244. The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilians vivid description\rof his vicinity to his wife.\r? ? èé ê+ëì\ íâîw ïðñòó+ ô¤õö÷øùúùû245. The\rcorps' corn in the corner is scorned by the stubborn corporation.\rüýþ¬ÿ 0@P`p?\n \r246. The attorney's horn lies horizontally in the thorns.\r!?#$%& '()*+,-./0\r247. I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the\rweed.\r. 9:;<=> ?@A>?@BCDE-FG0HIJK\r248. The agreement disagrees in the degree of agreeable freedom.\rNO-PDQR STUVWX-YZ\r249. In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds.\r-_` ab0Acdefg+hJK0ij\r250. We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed.\r9opqrstuvwxyzR{|.