nce and acquired the\rrequirements.\rmnop)*q=',rs)%tuv.\r792. A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the\rentire tire tirelessly.\r%1w3xy)z{|\n}~']) *H.\r793. The hired admirer inspired his desire for the wire.\r
)S\n.\r794. The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire.\r\nJ\r795. The tiresome pirate sounded siren and let off fireworks.\r\n ¡.\r796. The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective\robject.\r¢£¤¥¦8§\n¨©ª«¬)®\n¯J\r797. The projector is subject to rejection and may be ejected from\rthe project.\r°±²?³8´µ\n¶·¸¹º]»¼½J\r798. A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, evening\rand midnight.\r*¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÃÅÆÃÇÄÃÈÉkÄÊJ\r799. His affection for the defects is affected by the infectious