e of the story and get Ss to listen carefully\rand rearrange their story all ordingly.\rFeedback: ask individual s to read out the story in the\rcorrect order.\r(3) Group Discuss\rUse some questions to reinforce the main idea of the\rstory.\rWhat do the Diffos do that' s different from other\rpeople?\rWould you like to live with the Diffos? Why or why not?\rIn the story, do the other students like the Diffos to\rsing in the library ? Why not?\rDo you like this story? Why or why n o t ? EG_`ghI\rijklX+]m_`InoLpqrOPstUu=v+w\rxde\rFeedback: hear from a few group spokes people of their\rgroupJ s ideas.\r4. Practice\rDo the activity book Nol &2\rf 1Class Homework: Role-play about the story.\rclosing.\r&'\r()