sements are always persuade people to smoke more and they\rshould undertake a large part responsible for people with deteriorating health or those who died\rof lung cancer.\r在现代世界中信息灵通是非常重要的。许多领域的成功取决于获取最新信息。同时,\r决策的失误往往是因为缺少必要的信息。因此,我们称这个时代为信息时代。随着社会的\r发展,人们可以预见,在未来社会中信息的作用更为重要,没有信息,我们就如同盲人,\r寸步难行。\rIt is very important to be well-informed in the modern world. Success in many fields\rdepends on getting the latest information. At the same time, failure in policy-making often\rresults from the lack of necessary information. Therefore, we call the current era ”the\rinformation era”. With the development of the society, people can predict that information will\rplay a more and more important role in the future. Without information we would act like the\rblind and could make no further step.