0@P`2015p ?\r? ? ?The Blue Thread Frays\r( ) 0@ !"#$%&'()\r(2) His election campaign was backed by labour unions, which detest non-union\rcharters.\r(3) More broadly, the mayor/s detractors worry that he will burn through the\rsurplus built up by his more businesslike predecessor, Michael Bloomberg..\r+? ,-./0%122 ,-34%5678,9:;\r<? 3=>9:)\r+? ,-,-34)\r3 the mayor's detractors + = Aworry +> that he will burn through the\rsurplus built ABC9:DEFGHIup by his more businesslike predecessor,\rMichael Bloomberg AJKHI.I\rBuiltD M buildNOPQNOBCRS,TUVWPXYZ\r[\]^B_`abc_d=HeCfghi<"kPlm" an\ro p,34=HeCqTrs>H8,34=HeC;\r%to<MuKvrRS,BwxyuKzE{|}~,\rZ[