gnals from the earth to the moon and backòèAóô·¼õ\rö÷õ¨øö¼õ?°ù\r0fPWe were allowed two days for the transit of the lake.úûà¢üý?m\rçïþÿ\r3 0 @ P`pthe ~ of autumn to winter?\r4 1?p\r???\r5 \r\rvt.\r1?? P`p~thecanal\r2 ? \rvi.\r00!\r"#$Only ships of 5,000 tons or smaller are able to transit.%&50'(5000'\r)*+%,-\rP`pin ~ ./\r0.0\r1goods in ~ /\r23\r57. turmoil\rP4pn.\r56?78?9:\rP`ppolitical ~ ;<58\r"#$The whole village is in a0 turmoil.=>?@AB78\r58.vaccine\rP4pn.\r1 PCpDE\r2 PFpD E GH\rIJKLMN\r59 .plaintiff\rP4pn.\rPOpPQ0RST\r60 .defendant.\rP4pn.\rPOpVQ0VQT\r"#$Kevin has been ready to plead against the case offered by the defendant.\rWXYZ[\]^_`Tabcde\radj.\rfVQgh?ijk_`