dsintosthe bedroom to see if her child was asleep.78669:;\r< )\nP&>?@AB2<\rstare v.-?\nC2\nDEFGHIJHKLMN.?O`PQR0HST0U\r?\nVVW0XYZ&\rI told my son to stop staring at that fat woman; it wasn't nice.[\]^?#_C2`a\rbc\n`d#Ze\rhistorical, historic\rfgahijkl"no"0pq.\rhistorical a.nor&\n0pno&\nostu&\nvno/wx&\rThe French Revolution was of freat historical importance.yz{|}0~_&j o\r\rhistoric a.nor&\n~_&\ra historic meeting between two leadersgaR&no
\rhospitality, hostility\rf@hj\rhospitality n.'\nF\rWe enjoyed the hospitality of friends at their country home.&'\r0<[[\rhostility n. hijhostile¡#¢&,¤¥&¦,¤ ,¥ § \rYou can feel the hostility coming from that man.¨©vª«¬`a&¤