avior, and still another is physical deterioration.\r./0@123?45@6789:?;?89?<=>@?@ABCDE\r297. Apart from providing sheer enjoyment, music provides one with the opportunity to escape the\rdaily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure.\rFGHIJKLM@NO@PQR>STUVWX@Y)Z[?\]NO@^_`a\r298. In spite of the costs involved space exploration is absolutely necessary to solve the puzzles of\rthe Universe.\rb%cdefghijk$lmnopq:rKs?tuv0@\r299. On the one hand, technological advances yield beneficial results, while on the other they\rcreate problems which threaten our very existence.\rwxyZz{WA|@}9k;??w~IW@
\r300. There are other social factors worth serious considerations in evaluating those special\rbehaviors.\rh?v0@?=>P`.