iles commit crimes is that social environment is\rbecoming worse.\r21 . b0?`p\rWell goes an old saying, “\r= As an old saying goes(runs, says) ..”\r= An old saying goes ..”\r= It's an old saying (that)?\rb0?dp\rAs an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."\r22 . ( A ) ` the follow ing w ays.\r( B ) `!z{|p ...for three m ajor reasons.\r( C ) `R~'9Jp To there are at least three things we can\rdo.\r(A ) 'stpxp\rI increase my confidence in the following ways.\r(B )9!{|p.\rPeople learn a foreign language for three major reasons.\r(C )d ¡¢£'9C¤R~Jp\rTo keep healthy, there are at least three things we can do every day.