/(favorable inflation\rfigures in Britain and the United States), surprised f}?@ 0'()*+,?-.\r/01~6since?@ 0'(~7&
9: 0?6N\r 06DE?F 06N6 0'(\r01(favorable),01~(surprised)`\rp sftp6u@ 0'(8)*+,?-./01~\r7& ]\rNcd]\rNe6NQ`ijkl6?@*+,?N\r¡¢W9: 0?`\r5 .8£L¤¥¦§ ¨©A6ª«AZb¬®E¯°±`\r0fR 0'(²86³´µ¶ 0·¸¹Eº»¼` ½¾W ¿À 0ÁÂ\r¦NXYÃÄ8ÅÆÇE 0ÈÉ`\rmÊopqno\r?? 7`\rp!ËÌ=ÉÍÎÏo&8£L¤¥¦§ (Why has inflation proved so mild?)\rp AÐ?ÑÒ7Óu@&ª«AZb¬®E¯°±(The most\rthrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective.),)\rp0Ð?7&³´µ¶ 0·¸¹Eº»¼` ½¾WÇE 0ÈÉ(powerful\rstructural changes in the world have upended the old economic m odels),ÔÕÖmfo\r&×ØÙÚAfÛÜÝÞ'6×ØÙ) 0ßàá `