Ë.(Use inverted order of\r"so...that...*'; take note of).\rSo interesting was the game that none of them took note of the\rpassage of time.\r3 %\ÌrÍÎ1]ÏÐÑ,Ó]*À,Ó]@ÔÕ.(sort through)\rI 've been sorting through these old docum ents to see w hich are useful\rand w hich can be throw n aw ay.\r4 ÖשØÙÚÙ\nWÛÜÝÞÚ?ßà.(reflect on)\rAs you get older you should reflect on future plans.\r5 prá6{?âãäÌ)åæ.(nothing less than)\rHis appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.\r6 p&G«µçèé{ê6\ëmÀ|lÚ?.(set aside)\rEvery month they set aside a particular am ount of money from their\rsalary for the sake of their kid*s education in the future