hat developments, what forces proceeded to make fashion a more important concern than\rfunction among increasing numbers of people? In what ways have fashion and society coincided,\rparticularly in the context of changes in the structure, habits, and economy of the society?\rp`? !?"#$%&'()*+,? ?-./\r01-.231-.45678?'98:;<=\n `?>?@AB C\rDEFG1DEHI1DEJK?LM?NOP\nQDEC-.RSTUTVB\rExploring the role of fashion within the social and political history of industrial America helps\rto reveal the parameters and possibilities of American society. The ultimate question is whether\rthe development of images of rebellion into mass-produced fashions has actually resulted in social\rchange.\rCWXMYZ?DE[\]^_`Pab\ncdefghiYZDE?jklm\rno@p? qr??stCguvwxy3z%{|}~\n??D\rE?LM?