clear up an important point about the\rorganizations that are involved in this research program.\rrstuv\rw ] x 9 0;<\nyz{|}~z
\r6 In many cases0r\rexpert power is derived from possession of special knowledge or\rSkills important to the functioning oT certain types of organizations.\rr\rcC./{|Qe
op\r7 Global stability will hinge on the ability of nations to share the fruits 0Hof a\rshrinking planet n . Q;0\nin harmony and with greater equity n .0¡¢\n£¤\r¡¥;¡¦\n..\r§¨4K/©ª«¬e®e¡¥¯°±²H\r8 The holiday shopping season is upon us, and one of the tougjhest challenges of this time is to find a gift\rthat is appropriate for your dearest and won't bum a hole in your wallet.