on the history of\rhuman genes.\r3. In fact, only hard work in combination with proper methods will\rgive you an advantage over others.\r4. The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to\rothers.\r5. The risk of infection is confined to those who have close contact\rwith the patients.\r6. From such an analysis we are in a better position to understand\rwhat has happened and what to do about it.\rX11..\r1 .µ$Eíî¾ïðñ`3òòóô??õ3>wcö\r???÷ø\r2 .Ãm`ù<Ú>?ú`(ûü)`*3ýãä?þùAÿ\r 0@P`p?\n \r??\r3 .??@ !"?#$%&'\r4 .()*+,?-?$,./012345@67839:;\r<=>??()@AB9CDEF\r5 .`GHIJKLM@NOP$QRO?ST@U$VWXF@YZ\r[[\]@^_?`ab]cdefghijQklm\r6 .+n@^_Popq[(?rst?eiuvwxyz?ei\r{|wx}O;O~??ei