但还需详细的实验来证实。\r6. The campaign is trying to stop the excessive use of chemicals in\rfarming.\r这场运动旨在停止在农业生产中使用过多的化学物质。\r7. The survey found a wide seasonal variation in attendance and it\rwas difficult, if not impossible, to predict future attendance or prof\rits.\r调查发现游客量可能有相当大的季节性变化,即使可能也很难对今后\r的游客量和收益作出预测。\r8. The Euro Disney Corporation believed the current financial loss\rof the theme park were temporary and in the long run they would\rmake profits.\r欧洲迪斯尼公司认为主题公司现在的财政亏损是暂时的,从长远来看\r他们会赢利的。\r9. Since we anticipate strong demand for this new product range\rwe recommend you to place your first order as soon as possible.\r因为我们预计这些新产品需求量会很大,所以建议你们尽快下第一份\r订单。\r10. A further problem we had to confront was who should take ove\rr from Bob Willis as Vice-captain.\r下一步我们必须面对的问题是,谁会接替鲍勃•威利斯担任副船长。