

上传者:叶子黄了 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:4 |  大小:767KB

e id eas as she and you come up with them.\rYou'll end up with TWO good id eas in the pot- yours and your co-worker's. And when two reasonable people\rare willing to compromise, they're likely to come up with a third way of accomplishing goals- - one that satisfies\rboth.\r1. What is this passage about?\r2. What can be inferred from the passage?\r3. What should be put asid e?\r4. What d oes vertical thinking involve?\r5. What will be achieved in the end ?\r1—— 5: B A C B C\rTask3\r1. September 2. retire 3. retirement 4. red uction 5. practical 6. pensions\r7. leisure\r8. The club arranges d iscussion groups and t hand icraft sessions\r9. A member can attend any course held there free of charge\r10. The financial section on Mond ays and Wed nesd ays between six and eight p.m.


