More than one said husbands or boyfriends wouldn#t like her because\rthey#d make her too tall. Most men seem to prefer keeping the height\radvantage to heels, pushed-out 9:breasts notwithstanding ;<.\rThe higher the heels get, the more men who face the tradeoff =>.\rNo one pretends high heels are as comfortable as flats. It's what they\rdo to your head, not your feet. That#s what makes women walk differently\rand look differently in high heels.\rI almost succumbed, but they are too costly, and how often can I wear them?\rNot sensible. Not practical. Definitely not right for work and kids.\rBut the next day in Leohmann#s, on sale yet, I find a pair that are just\ras good. Now I just have to get invited somewhere in my high heels.\rWords: 598