place\r9. concerned about 10. identical to\rExercises on Web course only:\r11. in the wake of 12. comparable to 13. puzzling over\rk 5 3 l.\r1. K 2. E 3. M 4. O 5. F 6. H 7. N\r8. A 9. I 10. B\rCollocation\rVI.\r1. duties 2. emotions 3. interests 4. experience\r5. responsibility 6. love 7. characteristics 8. memories\r9. information 10. belief\rWord Building\rVII.\r1. transposition 2. transatlantic 3. transmigrants 4. transformed\r5. transnational 6. transoceanic 7. transshipped 8. transported\rVIII.\r1. nonexistent 2. non-stop 3. non-art 4. non-college\r5. non-productive 6. non-profit 7. non-fiction 8. non-violent\rSentence Struc\rk 5 4 l