rfat----the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.\r?c%?uT%0 ¡¢£¤¥¦%HmP§\r¥¨©RS 0\rShe walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were\ropen, yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.\r«¬¬®¯°%±²³´µ¶·¸¹ºm»¼0½m¾¿«aÀ?M %\r«ÁÂzÃmĹÅÆÇÈ0\rcustomÉ habitÊ practice?ËNO%ÌÁ%customÍÎNHÏ?ÐÑZ'Ò\rÓÔÕTEPce%Ö"# %¾¿×ØÙÚÛÜÝEPÞßàá%\râ`ã\näÑO% ²ÉåæçèÑO\rDon't be a slave to custom.\r`êX"# ëì0\rFrom the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience\rand behaviour.\r?
ïÚð?´ñ%òóÚô·õ"# öò÷øÊEPùú0\rconventionÝûmÝò3KýOK%âNOP'þùÿ 0@P`p?\rP\r?\rThey disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing\ranything extraordinary.\r%&'()*+,-./012345678'9Pp: