hip\rn. the state of being a member; of a club, society, etc. all the members of a club, society, etc.\rPhrases & Expressions\rassociate with\rconnect with (often mentally)P`p`?\rrather than\rinstead of\rfend for oneself\rlook after oneself\r?? ?\raside from\rbesides, apart from `\rlong for\rdesire (to have )sth. strongly \rtake pride in\rfell please and happy because of `\rstore up\rput away for future use ! "\rpride oneself on\rregard as a special reason for pride or satisfaction ... ?$\rmake the/one's point\rprove that sth. is true %&?'()\rin particular\respecially.\rat work\rbusy at a job; doing work\ron the whole\rconsidering everything; in general\rwork off\rget rid of, dispose + ,