
iso 6722-2006国际汽车电线标准

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the test sample during the preparation process. If cable marking causes indentation of the insulation, Р take the first test sample through this indentation. Р 5.2.2 Apparatus Р Use a measuring device with an accuracy of ± 0,01 mm. The device shall not cause deformation. Р 5.2.3 Procedure Р Place the test sample under the measuring equipment with the plane of the cut perpendicular to the optical Р axis. Determine the minimum “insulation thickness”. Р 5.2.4 Requirement Р No single value shall be less than the appropriate minimum insulation thickness specified in Table 4. Р --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---РCopyright anization© ISO for2006 Standardization – All rights reserved 5РProvided by IHS under license with ISO РNo reproduction working permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale


