
iso 11666-2010 焊接的无损检测 超声波检测 验收标准(英文版)

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ptance level 2, or 30 % of this length for Рacceptance level 3, where lw = 6 t for t < 15 mm and lw = 100 mm for t W 15 mm. Р4 © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedРISO 11666:2010(E) Р Annex A Р (normative) Р Р Levels Р РKey Р1 reference level Р2 acceptance level 2 Р3 recording level Р4 evaluation level РH amplitude Рl indication length Рn multiplier of t Рt thickness Р Figure A.1 — Levels for techniques 1 and 3 for thicknesses 8 mm to 15 mm — Acceptance level 2 Р© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 5РISO 11666:2010(E) Р РKey Р1 reference level Р2 acceptance level 3 Р3 recording level Р4 evaluation level РH amplitude Рl indication length Рn multiplier of t Рt thickness Р Figure A.2 — Levels for techniques 1 and 3 for thicknesses 8 mm to 15 mm — Acceptance level 3 Р6 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved


