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se of an adjoining state would be in poverty. Р РBut everywhere we see rich and poor living side by side, in the Рsame environment, and often engaged in the same vocations. РWhen two men are in the same locality, and in the same Рbusiness, and one gets rich while the other remains poor, it Рshows that getting rich is not, primarily, a matter of Рenvironment. Some environments may be more favorable than Рothers, but when two men in the same business are in the same Рneighborhood, and one gets rich while the other fails, it Рindicates that getting rich is the result of doing things in a РCertain Way. Р РAnd further, the ability to do things in this certain way is not Рdue solely to the possession of talent, for many people who Р ©Copyright 2006 The Secret LLC Р All rights reserved. Р Р power


