РChang Er: Never think about it! I have no choice, only to eat it myself.РР(Feng Meng 抢仙丹,嫦娥在?争抢中吞食了仙丹,开始升天?)РР旁白: At this moment Hou Yi arrived back, and saw Chang Er ascending faster and faster.РР(Feng Meng 看到后弈回来,落荒而逃,后弈哭喊着追嫦娥?)РРChang Er: It is Feng Meng who threatens(威胁) me, you should punish(惩罚) him.РРI will miss you.РР后羿 (): Feng Meng, I ’ll kill you! Chang?⋯⋯ Er⋯⋯РР旁白: Chang Er became the moon goddess. Each year on the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest(最满最亮) , Hou Yi look at the moon and try to see in it the image of a Chang Er.РР(后羿供月饼 )РРChang Er: Only a rabbit with me. It?’ s cold and I am lonely on the moon.РРРРРРРРРРР注意:РР我找这篇文章讲的是你们要说的,?更主要是靠你们的表情和动作,?道具之类的, 越雷越РРРРРР好,上面有些带动作的是我想到的,有想到更好的动作什么的就РР你们自己想了,只能想到这么多?~Р?РРРРРpass 掉,没有动作的就靠