ks Р - quantity and type of chargers Р - the stand square meters of the truck (wide and deep) - high of the truck Р 车辆附加的占地面积,必须将车辆周围空间 m 和充电机到电池间1m的距离计算在内。Р Additional to the stand square meters of the trucks a necessary space around the truck of 0,6 meters and a dis-tance charger to battery of 1 meter must be calculated. Р 车辆到充电机和存储的货物之间最小距离: Р Minimum distances of trucks to chargers and stored goods Р 充电机A charger A Р 充电机B charger B Р a) 车辆周围必备空间Р necessary space around the truck b) 电池和充电机间必备距离Р necessary distance between battery and charger c) 到易燃品的必备距离Р necessary distance to inflammable stored goods d) 到易爆品的必备距离Р necessary distance to explosive material 必备高度(取决于车辆) Р necessary high of the place (depends of the trucks) Р 最少 0,6 meter 最少1 meter 最少2,5 meter 最少5 meter 最少2 meter Р 充电站的房屋布局