
新视野大学英语第三版B4U6-Gender Equality教案

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tain sound, I will tell them what I did with the vowels in “shoot” and “short”. This “ear-training” method proves to be much better than just practicing reading out sounds or words. РTask: essay writing:РTopic: Life as a single child РIntroduction:Р• Introduce the background. Р• State the thesis.?РBody:РSupport the main idea with personal experiences.Р• The way parents and grandparents treated me Р• My feelings of growing up as a single child in the family РConclusion:РRestate the thesis. РPart III ReflectionРCritical Thinking:Р1Do you think the men and women you knew when growing up had equal rights? Why do you think so? Р• Yes, I think so. My parents worked in a big state-owned factory, where both men and women worked at similar positions and earned more or less the same amount of money.


