地质矿产勘查开发局区域地质调查队. 四川省木里县梭罗沟金矿补充勘探报告[R] .2009.Р[2] 陈毓川,王登红,付小方,等.中国西部重要成矿区带矿产资源潜力评估[M] .北京:地质出版社.2010 . [3] 矿床学[M] .北京:地质出版社.1982 .РGeological Features of the Suoluogou Au Deposit in Muli, SichuanРYU Anguang?LU Meigui?SONG xiaohua?LIU Wenwu (Regional Geological Surveying Team, BGEEMRSP, Chengdu?)РAbstract: The Suoluogou Au deposit in Muli, Sichuan lies on the southern margin of the Tangyang dome in the southern section of the Garzê-Litang tectonic-metallogenic belt. The deposit is confined to the altered basic volcanic rock of the Upper Triassic Qugasi Formation and controlled by nearly EW-trending fracture zone. The deposit is a structural altered rock type one which was formed by multiple ore-formation.РKey words: Au deposit; ore control fracture; multiple ore-formation; Suoshi GulleyР516