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in the plane parallel to the grid must be sinusoidal and thus the lowest mode is going to be of a wavelength twice the distance between the edges of the grid.РIf the ic wave has a wavelength lower than around twice the grid spacing (normally we choose 1/4 wavelength spacing), then there will not be a supported propagating mode through the grid. The radiation will still transmit through because it will travel as an evanescent mode, but it will be severely weakened. The degree of this attenuation will be dependent upon the thickness of the grid's wire and the spacing of the grid parison to the incident wave.РQ: Ah! Yes, thank you for the clear explanation! I never thought to think of shielding as a waveguide, but it makes perfect sense now! I am indebted to you for this insight.Р微波泄漏仪的正确使用方法


