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ght.РA passed away B passed down C passed by D passed overР3,The boss shrugged the workers’ complaints her granddaughter when she does.РA on B over C out D off Р4,We greatly what you have done.РA arrested B abandoned C appreciated D assumedР5,Scientific discoveries are often applied industrial methods.РA in B to C up D on Р6,The old lady reacted her daughter by tearing the check apart.РA against B at C on D to Р7,The policemen were told to be alert the dangers they were facing.РA to B in C on D at Р8,He got so little money that his family had to live welfare money.РA on B in C for D by Р9,The teacher has a list of reference books everyone.РA made up B made way C made over D made out Р10,My driving license was suspended for the traffic lights.РA impressing B ignoring C injecting D investing


