constantly into the role of also more and more important, as you can imagine if they collectively "strike", that our production, the life will be to what extent, such as: water, electricity, elevators, cold, heat, stop sending, etc., will let us can't imagine, master thesis, so to understand its structure and working principle, maintenance and downtime in the operation and maintenance, enables us to use them in the later work better in life, let them better for our production and living services. РKey words: the development of the three-phase asynchronous motor Classification Rotating ic field Р?Р目录Р引言?1Р第1章电动机分类、发展现状及未来?2Р1.1 电动机分类?2Р1.2 技术发展现状电动机?2Р1.3 电动机的未来 3Р第2章三相异步电动机的构造?5Р2.1 定子部分?5Р2.2 转子部分?6Р2.3 其他部分?7Р第3章三相异步电动机的工作原理?8Р3.1 基本原理?8Р3.2 旋转磁场?8Р3.3 三相异步电动机的转动原理?10Р结论?12Р参考文献?13Р致谢?14