
HND 金融专业 GU3报告 第一篇,第三部分(Evaluating)

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:doc  |  页数:43 |  大小:0KB

st, UK’s drug manufacturers spend much less than many other European neighbours on the medicines expenditure. Second, UK own two largest panies are among the most essful in the world. An analysis of the world’s top 100 medicines reveals that, after the USA, Britain’s panies’ market share is more than all its bined. Third, the drug manufacturers maintain excellent working relationships between industry, Government, the National Health Service (NHS), the private sector and anizations. They can obtain an outstanding and well-supported research base.РIn future, the demand for drug manufacture need will increase. The number of people in older age groups will grow faster than the total population between 2009 and 2016. New technologies will make it possible to make more medicine to treatment cha


