
三年级上册快乐英语阅读题 复习

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你的嘴Р9.go away 走开Р10.I’m fine 我很好Р二、Read and judge.(判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F)Р1.The Little Ridding Hood goes to see her grandma.( T)Р2.The wolf wants to eat the Little Ridding Hood. ( T )Р3.The Little Ridding Hood sees her grandma in bed. ( F )Р4. The Little Ridding Hood and Grandma are saved. (T )РUnit8The Little Match GirlР词组搭配Р( A ) 1.The Little Match Girl A 卖火柴的小女孩Р(D )2. a Christmas Eve B没有人Р( B) 3.nobody C买火柴Р(C) 4.buy matches D圣诞夜Р( I)5. a warm stove E圣诞树Р(F) 6.roast goose F烤鹅Р(H ) 7.die G第二天早上Р( G )8. the next morning H死亡Р( E) 9.a Christmas tree I温暖的火炉Р二、Read and judge.(判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F)Р1. The Little Match Girl is cold and hungry.(T)Р2.A man buys some matches.(F )Р3. The Little Match Girl eats the cake.( F )Р4. The Little Match Girl sees her grandma.(F)Р5. The Little Match Girl died.( T )


