
自考外贸函电历年真题 并附答案

上传者:学习一点 |  格式:doc  |  页数:15 |  大小:80KB

iculties on the part of the suppliers, we regret being unable to ship the goods within the time limit of your L/C. Р A. Owing to B. As C. Because D. SinceР17. Your order will be delivered on October 15_____you requested. Р A. like B. since C. as D. whenР18. The insurance shall be _____from the time of the engineer's departure from China up to the time of his arrival in China on return. Р A. effective B. effecting C. effect D. effectedР19. Enclosed are sample parts_____some of the problem we encountered. Р A. show you B. showing C. will show D. shownР20. Unless otherwise _____ . we wish to take out an All Risks insurance policy for you the shipment. Р A. instructed.., in B. instructions.., forР C. instructed.., for D. instruction.., onР第二部分非选择题Р二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空l分,共25分)请将答案填在相应的位置上。错填、不填均无分。


