theРacceptance is ineffective as it is late.__РChapter7РI. For the false statements, please state True or FalseР1.(T) 2.(F) 3.(F) 4.(F) 5.(F) 6.(F) 7.(F) 8.(F) 9.(F)РII. Put the following into English:Р1. consuming taste 2. gift packingР3. modities 4. portable packingР5. social customs 6. transparent packingР7. creative design 8. suspensible packingРIII. Suppose you are an exporter and your business place is in China, pleaseРmake the judgment if the following statements are correct or not and give yourРreasons.Р1.(F) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (F) 5. (T) 6. (T) 7. (F) 8. (F) 9. (F) 10. (T)РIV. 简答题Р1. 答:包装重要性体现在以下几个方面:Р(1)是实现商品价值和使用价值的重要手段,是商品生产和消费之间的桥Р梁。Р(2)出口商品需经过长距离辗转运输,有时需多次装卸、搬运和存储,包Р装可保证商品质量和数量完整,方便货物装卸、搬运、储存。Р(3)商品生产过程,包装是最后一道工序;在流通领域中,包装具有保护Р商品、美化商品、宣传商品、提高售价的重要作用,并可作为对外竞争的重要手Р段。Р约定包装条件的意义在于: