
2018上海高考英语真题试题(卷) 上海市2018年高考英语试题(卷)与参考答案解析

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e world distinguishes you is a direct reflection of and reaction to how you present yourself to them. Race, age, and sex are qualities you have no control over, but certainly contribute to your personality because of how the world senses you based on them. A person who continuously experiences racial discrimination may guard himself against it by at first seeming cold and unfriendly. But once he opens up, you may discover pletely different inside.РPhysical ones, which you develop over time, also contribute to your personality, and include walking pace, eye contact, and facial expressions. How you want the world to see you influences how you present yourself to others. Characteristics such as altitude, response and general mindset create the surface of your one-of-a-kind personality.РIf you


