
other, the other, another 与 others 的用法区别、练习题及参考答案

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e from different parts of the country. e from Shanghai,some from Tianjin and ____ from Beijing. Р24. Do you have any ________________question(s)? Р25. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _______________is a worker. Р26. Some of us like singing and dancing, ________________ go in for sports. Р27. Two boys will go to the zoo, and __________________ will stay at home. Р28. He is very clever. He may be _________________ Edison. Р29. A few students are playing er while________________ are watching them. Р30. Two of the ten boys are standing and __________________ are sitting round them Р31. I’ve bought two pens. One from Beijing, _____________ from Tianjin. Р32. She has more concern for ___________________ than for herself. Р33. Four of them are in the classroom. What about _________________?


