

上传者:叶子黄了 |  格式:doc  |  页数:14 |  大小:253KB

y to be tied up. You should be prepared to tend_for yourself for at least three days, preferably for a week. You'll need food, water and so on. It's also a good idea to decide ahead of time how and where your family will reunite if separated during a quake. You might choose an out­of­the­area friend or a relative that family members can call to check on you.Р________РIf you're indoors, stay there. Get under a desk or a table. The kitchen is a particularly dangerous spot. If you're in an office building, stay away from windows and outside walls and do not use the elevator. If you're outside, get into the open. Stay clear of buildings, power lines or anything else that could fall on you. If you're driving, move the car out of traffic and stop. Avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses.


