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e they want to be millionaires. And the first thing I say to them is: ”OK, well you can't serve yourself; Р【Ideas!】РTED-ster Bill Gates says, ”I had an idea: founding the first puter pany.“ I'd say it was a pretty good idea. And there's no magic to creativity ing up with ideas — it's just doing some very simple things. And I give lots of evidence.Р【Persist!】РJoe Kraus says, ”Persistence is the number one reason for our ess.“ You gotta persist through failure. You gotta persist through crap! Which of course means ”Criticism, Rejection, Assholes and Pressure.“(Laughter) So, the big — the answer to this question is simple: Pay 4,000 bucks e to TED. Or failing that, do the eight things — and trust me, these are the big eight things that lead to ess. Thank you TED-sters for all your interviews!


