
unit operations of chemical engineering(化工单元操作)

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pipeline is 20m. РWhen the gate valve is closed, R=600mm, h=1500mm; when the gate valve is opened partly, R=400mm, h=1400mm. The friction coefficient λ is 0.025, and the loss coefficient of the entrance is 0.5. Calculate the flow rate of water when the gate valve is opened partly. (in m³/h)РWhen the gate valve is widely open, calculate the static pressure at the tap (in gauge pressure, N/m²). le/d≈15 when the gate valve is widely open, and the friction coefficient λ is still 0.025.РFigure for problem 1.12РSolution:Р(1) When the gate valve is opened partially, the water discharge isР?Set up Bernoulli equation between the surface of reservoir 1—1’ and the section of pressure point 2—2’,and take the center of section 2—2’ as the referring plane, thenР (a)РIn the equation (the gauge pressure)


