
2019版高三英语一轮复习 Module 1 Life in the Future教师用书 外研版必修4

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ll the money used(use) up,the man had to make a living by begging.Р5.The manded that his workers (should) not leave(not leave) their office before dark.Р6.Are you studying at a middle school attached(attach) to Beijing University?Р7.I'm afraid I have no alternative but to wait(wait) until my parents finally agree to my plan.Р8.(2017·江苏盐城调研)By the time you realize that you are addicted to the drug,it'll be too late for you to do(do) anything about it.Р9.Cookies shaped(shape) like different kinds of animals appeal to small children.Р10.(2017·江西省八校联考)Most students object to being charged(charge) for parking on the campus.РⅡ.单句改错Р1.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to e rich and famous.e→ingР2.The petrol is running out of and we've got to stop at the nearest filling station.


