d for review on specific taxesР评审各项税项所需资料РForeign Enterprise e Tax ( "FEIT" )Р外商投资企业所得税РCopies of filed annual FEIT tax returns and copies of FEIT payment certificates for all taxes paid.Р年度外商投资企业所得税汇算清缴申报表及完税证РIn case where the taxable e / loss is different from the accounting profit / loss, please provide a statement of tax adjustments for the year with the review period, stating the amount, the reason and the basis of calculation for each of the tax adjustment items.Р如果任何年度应纳税所得(或税务亏损)有异于会计利润(或会计亏损),请提供税务调整明细表,并对有关税务调整项目的原因、依据、金额等逐一说明。РFormal written confirmation on the applicable tax incentives issued by the relevant tax bureauxР税务局发出有关税务减免优惠的正式批文РCopies of zero-tax return filed, if no profit made for the year(s) or during the year when the entity is entitled to tax exemption treatment