ejing thing may know some of his life, legend proud self-respect, reclusive Hangzhou Gushan, like a plum and raising crane, "said a lofty scholar". een years of the Qing Dynasty, the abbot monk Xinwu in Pingshan hall also have two cranes, very cherish, let double play freely. Then a crane died of disease, another crane also grief, finally died of hunger. Xinwu was moved, will double buried here, and a monument, engraved on the "crane".Р 各位游客:大明寺从初建至今已有1500多年,这段历史饱经忧患,历尽沧桑, 多次修葺,才有今日之新貌,来之十分不易。大明寺既有美丽的湖光山色,又有古老的宗教寺庙,更有鉴真、欧阳修、苏东坡在此留下的历史印迹。РDear visitors: Daming Temple from the beginning has been 1500 years, repeated repairs, only today's new look, be not easily won. Daming Temple has beautiful scenery, and ancient temples, there are Jian Zhen, Ou Yangxiu, Su Dongpo in the history of western.