
九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Lesson 58 Ms.Liu’s Speech教学设计 (新版)冀教版

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s with the words.Р3. Check the answer and help them to summarize the topic.Р1. Ss summarize the words and topic.Р2. Ss do the exercise.Р3. Some students read the speech to the others. And summarize the topic with the teacher.РTo checkРTo РsummarizeР5’РStep 6 РWriting Р1. T: We will have a graduating ceremony next week and you will have a speech. Please try to write one now.Р2. Encourage them to show.Р1. Ss writeР2. Ss show.Р1. To improve their writing skills.Р8’РThe design of the blackboard:Р Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s SpeechР give a speech It’s a great honour to be invited to speak to you. Р go by beginning feeling I’m very happy to be here. Рfall down Рpick yourself up my speechР on behalf of wishes ending Р achieve my dream mistakes ess I have learnt…Р РSometimes, I made some mistakes. Once, …


