
2018-2019学年高中三维设计一轮复习英语人教版:高考话题六 历史与地理

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y and lots of famous places.Р7.Jack has been to a remote (偏远的) village to do some voluntary work for two months.Р8.As student volunteers, we helped clean the streets in the holidays, and planted trees in local (当地的) parks last year.Р9.This country is abundant in natural resources, especially in minerals (矿物质).Р10.The steps sometimes were flat, but sometimes steep (陡峭的).РⅡ.选词填空Рbe rich in,be separated from,be located in,be surrounded by,take onР1.To some people, happiness is being_surrounded_by family and friends.Р2.Taiwan Island, which is_separated_from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait, is part of China.Р3.China is_located_in the east of the Asian mainland and faces the Pacific Ocean on the east.Р4.With the approaching of the Spring Festival, munity began to take_on a cheerful atmosphere.


