

上传者:梦溪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:17 |  大小:145KB

ugh the market mechanism with an import tariff but not with an import quotaР d. all of the aboveР4. An international cartel refers to:Р a. dumpingР b. anization of exportersР c. an modity agreementР d. voluntary export restraintsР5. The temporary sale of modity at below cost or at a lower price abroad in order toР drive foreign producers out of business is called:Р a. predatory dumpingР b. sporadic dumpingР c. continuous dumpingР d. voluntary export restraints Р6. The type of dumping which would justify antidumping measures by the country subjectР to the dumping is:Р a. predatory dumpingР b. sporadic dumpingР c. continuous dumpingР d. all of the aboveР 7. A fallacious argument for protection is: Р a. the infant industry argumentР b. protection for national defenseР c. the scientific tariff


