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gant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836.Р1. Boxers in England fought with bare fists for prize money ____.РA. one hundred years agoРB. at the turn of the centuryРC. in the 18th centuryРD. hundreds of years agoР2. In those days boxing was crude because ____.РA. boxers fought with bare fistsРB.there were no regulationsРC. boxers could be seriously injured or even killed during a matchРD. all of the aboveР3. The use of gloves was introduced____.РA. in 1860 B. before 1860 C. in 1764 D. in the 18th centuryР4. What do you think led to the change of crude prize-fighting into a sport?РA. Prize money.РB. The introduction of science to the game.


